
The aim is to simplify the complex multi-dimensional space of CloudOps with the help of Generative AI.

The project is in collaboration with MontyCloud.

The solution, internally nicknamed Marvin, is designed to act as a conversational AI agent, allowing users to interact with the platform beyond traditional UX constraints. Marvin is positioned to deliver simplified and actionable guidance based on insights found by MontyCloud’s automation for Well-Architected Framework Review.

The project also involves a paradigm shift in the traditional software lifecycle to accommodate the unique challenges of the ML lifecycle. The team is working on building interactive bots and agents, versioning data used to build models, and retraining models at frequent intervals to maintain high levels of accuracy. The goal is to automate CloudOps management while maintaining a human in the loop for final decision-making.

  1. Explore the use of Generative AI to simplify cloud operations, making it more accessible and efficient for customers.

  2. Building interactive bots and agents that can provide data as required.

  3. Automate CloudOps management while maintaining a human in the loop for final decision-making, ensuring that the system is both efficient and accountable.